Bocce Ball Rules

Bocce Ball Rules

Start of Match

The match shall begin with the flip of a coin between the captains from each team. The winner of the coin flip may have the first toss of the pallino or choose the color of the balls. A player may toss the pallino any distance so long as the pallino passes the centerline of the court and does not hit the back wall. If a player fails to validly toss the pallino after one attempt, the opposing team will have a chance to toss the pallino and put it in play. If the opposing team fails to toss the pallino past the center line the pallino reverts to the original team. In any case, when the pallino has been properly put in play, the first bocce ball will be thrown by the team who originally tossed the pallino.

Game Play

The team who originally tosses the pallino, whether successfully or not, throws the first bocce ball. If the bocce ball hits the backboard, that team must roll again. Otherwise, they step aside and their team does not roll again until the opposing team has either gotten one of its bocce balls closer to the pallino or has thrown all of its balls. The team whose bocce balls are closest to the pallino is called “inside” and the opposing team “outside.” Whenever a team gets inside, it steps aside and lets the outside team roll. The team outside throws until it beats (not ties) the opposing ball. This continues until both teams have used all their bocce balls (a total of 8, 4 from each team). The team who scored last throws the pallino to begin the next frame.

A) If a player rolls the wrong colored ball, simply replace it with the correct color when the ball comes to rest.

B) If a player rolls out of turn the opposing team may leave everything, including the thrown ball, exactly where it is or may return any moved balls to their approximate original positions and remove the thrown ball from play.

C) If a ball is moved before all 8 balls are played, the opposing team replaces the ball to the approximate original position.

D) When a team wins a game, players exchange ends of the court, and substitutions may be made. The team winning the previous game will toss the pallino to start the next game.

E) Practice between games is limited to rolling up the court and back on time.

Dead Balls

Should a player’s bocce ball make contact with the backboard the bocce ball is considered a dead ball on impact and is removed from play until the end of the frame.

A) If the thrown ball comes to rest on the pallino or another ball that is touching the back wall, that thrown ball remains in play. The ball touching the back wall is removed from play. If the pallino is touching the back wall it remains in play.

B) If a bocce strikes a stationary position after hitting the backboard, the thrown ball is removed from play.


Once the pallino has been validly put into play, it remains in play even if it hits the backboard. However, if the pallino is knocked out of the court or it is knocked in the front of the centerline, the frame will end, no points are awarded, and the game will resume from the opposite end of the court with the same team tossing the pallino.

Foul Line

Players’ movements are limited to the foul line. The player may step on, but should not step over the foul line before releasing the pallino or bocce ball. When a player releases the pallino or bocce, both feet must be on the court.


Shooting is lofting the ball in the air beyond the center of the court. Shooting is not allowed, the bocce ball will be removed and any stationary bocce affected will be returned to its original position.


The teams playing will referee their own game.


All measurements should be made from the inside dimensions of the bocce ball to the inside dimension of the pallino. Only one representative from each team may be present for the measurement.


Only the “inside” team scores. One point is given for each ball of the inside team that is closer to the pallino than any ball of the opposing team. If at the end of any frame the closest ball of each team is equidistant from the pallino, the frame ends in a tie, and no points are awarded to either team. The game will resume from the opposite end of the court with the same team tossing the pallino. Captains of each team are responsible for keeping the score sheet and for reporting the results of the match. The team must win 2 of 3 games.

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